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RETTOIL 5W-40 SN/CF features a low ash, sulfur, and phosphorus content—crucial characteristics for ensuring optimal lubrication and excellent performance in Euro V and Euro VI engines. It has been proven to be compatible with after-treatment systems such as SCR, EGR, and Gasoline Catalytic Converters (CAT), particularly those incorporating Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF/FAP).

Thanks to its advanced formulation, it provides exceptional detergency, dispersancy, and anti-wear properties, extending the lifespan of lubricated components and prolonging oil change intervals (Extended Drain). It effectively maintains the cleanliness of critical engine parts, preventing the formation of deposits, varnish, and sludge.

RETTOIL 5W-40 SN/CF ensures excellent cold-start performance, allowing for immediate oil circulation at low temperatures. Additionally, its reduced friction coefficient contributes to lower fuel consumption.
It exhibits high thermal stability and outstanding resistance to chemical degradation.


SKU: RT000000

SAE 5W-40
BMW Longlife-01
MB 229.3/226.5
Porsche A40
Fiat 9.55535-M2
GM LL-B-025
Renault RN0700/710
VW 502 00/505 00

Производитель моторных масел в Европе

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